For regular garden maintenance work I charge an hourly rate from £25. I invoice monthly and accept cash or Bank Transfer.
Designer's Fees
After reading through the various stages of the design process you will understand that the level of detail required by the garden design can vary significantly between gardens. The amount of design work that I undertake is dependent on such factors as: the size of the garden, the extent of design issues that need to be addressed, and the aspirations of the client for the design. Consequently, the design costs for each garden may vary significantly and will be specific to your particular design. However, in all cases, the cost of the consultation or design is calculated on the basis of time input by Peter. To give you a starting point, fees for drawing up concept garden plans usually start at around £250 to £400 or so for small, straight forward designs or simple planting plans with higher prices required for greater complexity, larger gardens or bespoke details. The fees are calculated on a time basis. For many projects the input of the designer includes consultation, survey, design time and tendering. The resultant fees can end up somewhere in the order of 8-20% of the overall value of the constructed project. To conclude: I price every garden design project individually in accordance with where it is and what the client would like me to do.
Costs for Building the Garden
Many people are reluctant to tell their designer what their budget for the garden is, sometimes because they simply have no idea but often because they think in some way that this will influence the designers fee. That is not the case and it would be really useful for me to know what your budget for the garden is as this will influence what design elements are included. For example, there is no point in spending time/ money on coming up with an estimate of £20,000 if the budget is only £5,000. I may be able to give you a rough idea of what spend you should be considering based on our initial discussion with you where you will have outlined your requirements, however, remember this figure will be a guide only. The final precise costs can only be calculated after the design plan has been fully completed. At that stage, if the cost is outside your budget we can discuss what adjustments need to be made to bring it back on budget. Note, in my experience the most expensive parts of any garden build are extensive areas of paving and complex water features and hard landscaping. Planting is not the expensive part unless you require large, mature trees. Recent gardens that we have designed have varied in cost considerably. Garden makeovers usually start from around £2,000 for a small area and will go up from there depending on size and complexity.
About Thyme Gardening Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire & North Hertfordshire Peter: 07843127587